Antivirus Apps Offer Extra Security Features

Antivirus applications keep your smartphone secure from malware and other threats, however many of them also provide additional features that can help increase the security of your smartphone. Some of these features include the ability to manage passwords to secure your login credentials, VPN functionality for enhanced privacy and security and tools to help locate or remotely wipe stolen phones.

Most antivirus services scan your phone regularly to check for signatures of malicious software that could have infected your device. They typically run these tests according to a set schedule that you set and will inform you of any threats. They also look to determine whether you’re connected to a network that is not secure that could expose your data to attackers.

Certain antiviruses can come with additional features, like anti-theft or a call blocker, based on the service provider. For instance, Kaspersky offers a feature that lets you take a photograph of the person who is trying to unlock your phone three times, and lets you wipe or lock the device remotely. Other providers offer tools to tune-up your system that get rid of junk files, speed up the performance of your device and alert you of unsafe settings or apps.

An excellent way to determine the level of security a service offers your device is to determine how it does in the security ranking of independent labs for testing. Some of these rankings are based on the amount of detected threats, while others consider things like how quickly and effectively the service can identify and eliminate threats. In addition, some services go above and beyond by offering features such as the guarantee of a refund and customer support that’s available round-the-clock.


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