Entries by mcmullin

Picture This: The Value of an Accident Scene Photograph

You’ve probably played the memory game where you look at a group of objects on a tray for a minute. When the tray is taken away, you are supposed to write down every object that you can remember.   If there are a substantial number of objects, it’s unusual if someone can remember and name all […]

Paying Medical Bills When You Don’t Have Health Insurance

Imagine yourself in this situation: you were injured in a car crash and treated at the hospital emergency room.  Ever since the accident, your daily routine has been disrupted because you have to make time for doctor and physical therapy appointments, and, perhaps, appointments with additional medical providers because of your injuries.  To make matters […]

Free Accident Survival Kit

A few years ago a friend of ours was driving home and as he approached an intersection, was broadsided by another driver who failed to notice a stop sign.  The impact spun his car around a full 360 degrees.  In an unbelievably lucky turn of events, a police officer traveling on the same road witnessed […]