Entries by mcmullin

Kacee C. Weldin

At McMullin Injury Law we are dedicated to helping our clients feel comfortable and at ease when we meet with them.  If you call our office or come in person, Kacee Weldin will be the first one to greet you. But she is more than just a friendly face.  She is a skilled paralegal who has worked in the […]

What Will a Personal Injury Attorney Do for Me?

“Never doubt that a small, committed group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -Margaret Mead A common question we get asked by accident victims is, “Do I really need a personal injury attorney because I was in an accident?” What they really want to know is what an […]

Texting While Driving in Utah is Against the Law

A terrible northern Utah accident in 2006 occurred when 19-year-old Reggie Shaw was sending and receiving texts while driving to work.  Because he was distracted, his car veered over the yellow line, clipped an oncoming car and sent it spinning into the path of another vehicle. The resulting impact immediately killed two men who were […]

Stop Going in Circles: Why Using a Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You

When you’ve been involved in an accident and you’re trying to resolve your claim with an insurance company, it’s likely you feel that you’re going around in circles because the same things keep happening. First you go to doctor appointments, then you discuss your case with insurance adjusters, then you have more doctor appointments followed […]

What to Do if You’re in a Traffic Accident

The majority of our work at McMullin Injury Law involves helping people who have been injured in car accidents. Our goal is to simplify the personal injury claim process thereby taking pressure off of our clients so they can concentrate on healing. Occasionally we learn that people choose not to call the police after a car accident because they […]