Entries by mcmullin

Free Accident Survival Kit

A few years ago a friend of ours was driving home and as he approached an intersection, was broadsided by another driver who failed to notice a stop sign.  The impact spun his car around a full 360 degrees.  In an unbelievably lucky turn of events, a police officer traveling on the same road witnessed […]

Property Damage: Getting Your Vehicle Repaired

Because we are a personal injury law firm, we see a lot of pictures of wrecked cars with damage that ranges from minor to severe.  Interestingly, more than once we have had clients tell us that an at-fault driver has declined to report an accident to his or her own insurance company.  If the damage […]

Calculating Damages: The Difference between Special and General Damages

At McMullin Injury Law, we help our clients get the maximum compensation available to them after an accident. If you have been involved in an accident and have a personal injury claim, you have likely heard legal terms that are new to you. Two terms that we often get asked to explain the difference between […]

After the Accident: How to Set Up an Insurance Claim

A common question we get from people who have been in a car accident is, “How do I set up an insurance claim after a car accident?”  Let your insurance company know. Even if you didn’t cause the accident, it is necessary to inform your own insurance carrier that you’ve been in a car accident.  […]