Entries by mcmullin

Would You Know What to Do After a Car Accident?

http://youtu.be/aA-AaCCzPjM   Luckily, the average person does not get into a car accident all that often. The problem is that when they do, they are often unprepared. We all tend to think that bad things won’t happen to us. Once you have been in a wreck, life gets heavy pretty quickly. Getting fair compensation from […]

Isn’t it Time to Level the Playing Field?

http://youtu.be/ebgPAsIAsDQ Don’t get knocked out by the big insurance companies. Allow McMullin Injury Law to step into the ring for you and go toe-to-toe with the at-fault party’s insurance adjuster and their attorneys. We care about you and your case, and we are confident in our ability to make things right. It is our job […]

A Reminder to Not Text While You Drive!

  This is a short video, and the acting is a bit cheesy, but the message is clear. Twenty-five percent of all car accidents in the U.S are related to cell phone use. The average text message takes 5 seconds to send. A car traveling 50 mph can travel the length of a football field […]

Is Hiring an Attorney a Contentious Thing to Do?

So is Hiring an Attorney a Greedy Thing to Do? You are not the type of person who wants something for nothing. You work hard for your money; you believe other people should have to work hard for their money as well. We wholeheartedly agree. Hiring an attorney to represent you after an injury is […]

Can You Afford an Attorney?

Why Can’t I Just Handle my Injury Claim Myself? When you attempt to speak with an insurance company about paying for your car and your medical bills after an accident, it’s YOU vs. A HUGE CORPORATION AND THEIR WHOLE TEAM OF ATTORNEYS. Does that sound like a fair fight? We don’t think so. At least […]