That is how a karmic relationship works

That is how a karmic relationship works

The type of relationship that we are in with our karmic soul mate seems to provide some insight into the nature of the karmic debt, or rather how deep rooted the conflict might be or how far it might go back

This is often not nearly as ominous as it sounds, as sometimes a karmic debt can be paid in a matter of seconds in a chance encounter on the street. Other times we spend an entire lifetime, or even many lifetimes, with this person working on making better (more loving) choices with each other.

Karmic mates are the soul mates that will force us to do the most work on ourselves. They will make us confront the deepest, darkest, hidden corners of ourselves. We will, through our dealings with our karmic soul mates, face our fears, true motivations and innermost desires. These particular soul mates give us an opportunity to better ourselves spiritually, by confronting situations that will be unpleasant or difficult. Read more