St. George Attorney: What Happens to the Person who Hurt me?

St. George Attorney: What Happens to the Person who Hurt me?

Question:  What happens to the person, persons, or company who caused my injury?

St. George Attorneys Answer:

After your injury occurs and your claim is filed, the person or entity that is responsible will be contacted by their insurance company as part of the initial investigation.  Either the responsible party or a representative of the company that caused your injury will give statements to the claims adjustor for their insurance carrier. These statements are recorded and transcribed so that there are written records to be accessed later.

After this first investigation, there is little to no contact between the insurance company and the entity that caused your injury. The insurance company does not keep their insured informed day to day about the progression of your claim. The person or entity that caused your injury is likely going on about their daily life, knowing that the case will likely be settled by their insurance company with no further information needed from them.

What happens to the person who caused my injury if the case does not settle?

If you, your attorney, and the insurance company do not settle the case, it will proceed to litigation or lawsuit. At this point, the insured will be contacted by the insurance company again. The insurance company will assign an attorney to represent the tortfeasor (person, persons, or company that caused your injury). The tortfeasor will participate in the litigation process and must cooperate with the attorney assigned to defend them.  In this case, keep in mind that the lawsuit is brought against the entity that caused your injury, not the insurance company. However the insurance company will likely pay the verdict.

What if the tortfeasor was not honest or accurate about how the incident happened?

It is unfortunate that in many cases, the person responsible for an injury may fabricate or exaggerate some details about the incident. Many people will deny liability even when blame, negligence, or wrong-doing is clearly apparent. It is just human nature. You can rely on your attorney in this circumstance. Your attorney has dealt with many cases where the tortfeasors were not truthful about the facts of the incident. Sometimes, the insurance carrier will believe their insured or their witnesses and deny your claim, no matter what evidence you have collected and presented with you attorney’s help.  In these cases, a lawsuit is necessary. Your attorney will help you through the process of litigation and perhaps even trial.

However, in most cases, the truth comes out eventually. Your attorney will be sure to provide the insurance company with all of the needed evidence so that your claim will settle.

Can I contact the person or entity that is responsible for my injuries?

Again, the simple answer is No! Any contact with the tortfeasor could ruin or jeopardize favorable settlement of your case. Even an innocent comment made off hand could be misinterpreted and ruin your credibility.  Any statement can be used against you. Never contact the tortfeasor, even if they have not told the truth about the incident.

St. George Attorney: What will happen with the insurance policy on the driver that hit me?

St. George Attorney: What will happen with the insurance policy on the driver that hit me?

Question: What will happen with the insurance policy on the driver that hit me?

St. George Attorney Answer:

Once the other party’s insurance company has been made aware of your claim, the will create a file about you and the details of your case. A claims adjustor will be designated for your file, but a claims manager or supervisor may assign different adjustors to your claim throughout its duration.

Your attorney will keep in contact with the adjustor for your file with the insurance company. In addition to the investigation done by your St. George lawyer, there will also be an investigation made by the insurance adjustor regarding:

  • The party at fault in the case.
  • Your own fault (if any) in your injuries, otherwise known as comparative or contributory negligence.
  • The scene of the incident.
  • Police reports, DMV reports, and any other reports by experts that pertain to the case.

After investigating the facts of your case, the insurance claims adjustor will contact your lawyer and request any medical reports and reports from other professionals regarding your injuries.  The claims adjustor will also review documentation about your lost wages in relation to your injury.  Mainly, the adjustor will need to obtain accurate records of your medical bills, pharmacy bills, and any other bills in relation to your injury and healing. For this reason, it is crucial for you to keep careful records of your medical bills, lost wages, and any out-of-pocket expenses due to your incident or injury.

How can a company decide how much my pain is worth in cash?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated.   Initially, the claims supervisor or claims manager will determine a set amount that will be reserved for your case’s value.  This number is called the “reserves” for your case. This value may change as your case progresses and other information is gathered. In serious cases the reserves value may equal the limits of the policy of the insured, or “policy limits.”  Policy limits are the maximum liability limit detailed in the insurance policy of the person or entity that caused your injury.

As your case is prepared by your St. George attorney, the insurance company will keep records of your medical expenses, lost income from work, and other information, just as you and your lawyer will. In addition, the insurance company will take into account the quality of the evidence you and your attorney have provided against their insured client. This includes the quality of the testimony of all witnesses, the amount of any liability on your part, and any other factors such as existing injuries.

If you have experienced any injury to the same part of your body in the past, the insurance company will require medical documentation regarding that injury and its status prior to the incident.  Throughout these communications, your attorney will stay in contact with the insurance carrier so that you are aware of all important information relevant to the case, and everything that the insurance carrier is considering.

Do I talk to the other driver’s insurance?

The short answer is no! You should never under any circumstances communicate with the insurance company once you have an attorney.  Contacting the other party’s insurance company could ruin your entire case with one simple question or comment, however unintentional. Your lawyer should communicate with the insurance for you using their expertise.

Additionally, it is against the law in most states for the insurance company of the other party to contact you once you have legal representation.

Do I talk to my own insurance?

There may be some times when it is appropriate to communicate with your own insurance company, whether it is health insurance, medical spending insurance, or automobile insurance. But you should always check with your attorney first about making contact with your insurance carrier. Never contact your insurance company without getting approval from your lawyer first.

What if the other driver’s insurance denies my claim?

If liability clearly falls on the insurance carriers’ insured, and all the facts are well established and reliable in your case, the company will try very hard to settle your claim.  But your case may be disputed if it meets these criteria:

  • If the fault rests with an outside party, or someone other than the company’s insured. For example, if you or anyone else involved in the incident contributed to your injuries, the insurance company will make a dispute.
  • If the insurance company does not believe you are injured, or injured as severely as you claim to be. This is why all medical records, hospital bills, and lost income are crucial to demonstrating the extent of your injury and its impact on you.
  • If you or your witnesses have falsified any testimony, exaggerated, or fabricated the nature and extent of your injury or the way the injury occurred when the incident happened.

How do I make sure to win my case?

Most importantly, you must do all you can to recover and heal from your injury as quickly as possible.   An insurance company is more likely to find you credible if you are active in trying to recover from your injuries.  You must follow all doctors’ orders, advice from your physical therapist, and any other medical professionals that are consulted to help you recover.

Additionally, the insurance company is likely to believe you and your claim if you have careful documentation of your injuries and treatment.  Exact and accurate medical bills and reports, and reports of wage loss information from your employer that is not exaggerated or open to interpretation will be of utmost importance in settling your claim.

Furthermore, insurance companies often settle claims more easily and efficiently with clients that have an active attorney on their side. If you are active in cooperating with your attorney’s advice, the insurance company is likely to find you and your claim credible and settle it as efficiently as possible.

St. George Attorneys: What Should I do After a Car Accident?

St. George Attorneys: What Should I do After a Car Accident?

Question: What is the most important thing for me to do after my St. George, Utah car crash injury?

St. George Attorney Answer: The most important thing for you to do is simply to get better from your injuries caused by the car crash. There are many qualified healthcare providers throughout St. George, Cedar City, and Mesquite—schedule an appointment. Injured people are required by law to minimize their damages. What this means is the law requires you to do what is necessary in order for you to feel better physically and recover from your injuries. You should seek treatment to heal you injuries in a way that a reasonable person would. Reasonable people go to doctors when they are hurt or sick. If you need advice on finding the right St. George Chiropractor, Medical Doctor, Physical Therapist, Pain Management Clinic, Surgeon, or Licensed Massage Therapist, consult with your Attorney, we can get you to the right place.

You may have to follow all or several of the next steps:

  1. Do not miss any appointments with your care provider. Keep in touch with your physician and be certain you will be able to maintain your appointments. Use common courtesy, if you need to miss an appointment for any reason, call ahead. Having a “no show” on a doctor’s record can be used against you at the time of settlement or trial.
  2. Attend physical therapy sessions as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor or hospital may recommend therapy to help you recover from your injuries. Such procedure is beneficial in many types of injuries including strains, sprains and other soft tissue injuries. Do not miss your appointments, not only will you slow your healing, but you will look unreliable to an insurance company and they will be less afraid of you. Once again, if you cannot make your appointment, make sure to call your doctor, but try to avoid cancellation as much as possible.
  3. Do what your physician tells you to do. If your doctor prescribes medications, therapy exercises, or gives you limitations on certain activities, be sure to follow your physician’s orders. When your doctor says one thing, but you say another, it looks bad. Insurance companies place a great deal of weight on the things your doctors say about your injuries. Going directly against your doctor’s orders makes you appear unreasonable.
  4. Follow your physician’s advice in respect to work and leisure activities. If your physician recommends you to rest, stay home from work, or avoid specific actives, it is crucial that you follow such recommendation. If you resist your physician’s advice and participate in activities that have been limited, it will only slow down the process of your recovery, and can also affect legal aspects of your case. As long as you can afford to miss out on some income in the short-term, it is crucial that you follow advice from your doctor so that your recovery will be enhanced. Your personal injury attorney will attempt to recover lost wages.

With regard to lost wages, if you do not feel well enough to work, or if you feel like your employment is aggravating your injuries, you need to inform your doctor. You will have much more success in finding recovery for lost wages if you have a doctor’s note detailing exactly why you cannot work, and for what time period. Once your doctor says that your injuries should no longer limit your work, you should return to work as soon as possible. Oftentimes an employer will be much more willing to grant you time off if your doctor has provided you with written documentation stating that some time off is necessary.

Andrew Spainhower attorney

St. George Utah Injury Lawyer

St. George Utah Injury Lawyer

At McMullin Injury Law, we get it. Many people wonder why people seem to get so much money after a St. George Utah Car Accident? This video answers that question in a step-by-step process. If you have further questions about Utah Injury Law, or need to speak to an Injury Attorney in Southern Utah, call 435-673-9990 for a free consultation. We do everything we can to ensure those injured by the carelessness of other receive all the compensation they deserve.

S. Andrew Spainhower, Esq.

McMullin Injury Law

In Your Community. . . And On Your Side.

Videos – Utah Legal Advice

Videos – Utah Legal Advice

At McMullin Injury Law, we get it, the law can seem confusing and inaccessible. The following videos are short summaries of a variety of areas of Utah Auto and Personal Injury Law. These videos are meant to explain tort law to the average consumer in a way that is easy to understand, thus making the law more accessible. If you have any questions about a personal injury case in Utah or Nevada, please give our car accident attorneys a call at 435-673-9990.

Property Damage Issues – How do I get my Car Fixed Fairly?

Why Do People Get Money After a Utah Car Accident?

What types of compensation may be available to me in a Utah Personal Injury case?

The aforementioned videos likely do not contain enough information to effectively represent yourself in a legal dispute. Utilizing our free legal resource does not create an attorney-client relationship between our firm and you, the viewer.