Utah Dog Bite Law

Utah Dog Bite Law

People may wonder, “What is dog bite law?” It seems obscure enough an issue that it is puzzling that it could be itemized as its own body of law. How would a dog biting someone have anything to do with the law? Those are all reasonable questions, and they have simple answers. The law in the United States seeks to allow us individual freedoms while preventing us from using those freedoms to harm each other. In the U.S, if one party harms another in an unreasonable way, the victim may potentially be entitled to recover damages against the party who caused the harm. That is just a fancy lawyer way of saying that if you hurt someone, you should pay for it. The laws that dictate that principle are referred to as the “tort system.” Obviously you cannot sue a dog for biting you. Even if you could, what would you win– a bone? The tort system allows a victim of a dog bite to recover damages from the dog’s owner under a variety of legal theories. These theories each have their own variety of factual issues that one must be able to prove in order to win their lawsuit. Winning a lawsuit is almost never an easy thing to do. In the State of Utah, there are three different paths to winning your legal claim and thereby forcing the dog’s owner to pay for the injuries that their dog caused you.

The first legal path that could be utilized after a dog bite is under the theory of an intentional tort. These cases are extremely rare because they are what they sound like they are. A victim would need to be able to prove that the owner deliberately and purposefully had their dog bite you. If you went to your friends house, and the two of you had a disagreement, and your friend let his Pit Bull out and yelled, “Get em’ boy!” That would be an example of an intentional dog bite. Obviously the law should hold the dog owner accountable for his actions after an incident like that.

The second legal path to recovery after being bitten by a dog is the standard theory of negligence. Negligence theory requires a showing that the dog owner owed you a duty to be careful, the owner was not careful, their not being careful caused their dog to bite you, and the bite injured you in some way. This is the most common theory used in dog bite cases in most states. This theory is not necessary in Utah. Negligence can be difficult to prove because if a dog has never bitten anyone before, how will the owner know how careful he or she should be? To simplify this calculation, many states use a “One Bite Rule.” This rule says that if it was the dog’s first time ever biting anyone, then the owner was not negligent. However, if the dog has bitten before, then the owner should know that it bites and they should be extra careful to ensure that it does not happen again. That theory is good because it forces owners of vicious dogs to be careful, but it gives every dog one free bite out of a human.

For that reason, Utah uses the third route, strict liability. Strict liability means that a victim does not have to show that the dog was known to be vicious. Under strict liability, if your dog bites someone, you must pay for his or her injuries. Period. This rule is favored in Utah because it requires all of those who own animals to make sure to take special care to prevent their animals from hurting other human beings. If your dog bites and injures someone, you may as well be neighborly and offer to help pay for their necessary medical bills because the law is likely not on your side. If you have been the victim of a dog bite incident, call a Dog Bite Lawyer immediately.

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St George Dog Bite Attorney

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St. George Utah’s Dog Bite Lawyers

Being bitten by a dog can be a very painful and traumatic experience. If you have been bitten by a dog in Utah, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries . Utah laws regarding dog bites are favorable to the victim and could help you receive fair compensation for your loss.

Dog bite accidents in Utah can be both physically and emotionally challenging for the victim who has suffered the injuries from the attack.

You need to know your rights. In Utah the dog owner is responsible for their pet’s actions. If you have been bitten by a dog, do not hesitate to call and discuss your case with us for free or fill out the contact form on the right.  We will review your case and get in touch with you as soon as possible. When a dog attack occurs, insurance issues are commonly a topic of dispute.
You may also develop emotional damage due to the fear and anxiety that now presents itself when encountering any type of dog. Moreover, the incident can have a rather deep impact on a family and its well being.

Dog Bite Attorneys Help Make Claims on the Homeowners Insurance of the Dog Owner

This means that there is really no reason for the dog owner to freak out. Nine times out of ten they pay nothing out of pocket. Their insurance handles the whole thing for them. If the case cannot reach a fair settlement, the filing a lawsuit by the victim can be essential to account for the damages including those for medical bills, lost wages, lost time, and therapy or rehabilitation expenses.

Like other legal issues, it is a good idea to start collecting and recording the details of what happened and include proof on whether the dog has bitten someone else previously or that the dog has an aggressive nature and so on. The more information and better details you can provide, the better it makes your case.

Speak to a St George personal injury attorney to make sure that you are adequately compensated for damages suffered physically, emotionally and monetarily.

Filing a lawsuit by the victim can be essential to account for the damages including those for medical bills, lost wages, lost time, and therapy or rehabilitation expenses.

In Southern Utah, dog owners sometimes get a bit hostile towards victims of dog bites. This makes absolutely no sense. No one wants to be bitten by a dog. That is why Utah law uses “strict liability” when it comes to dog bites. That means that the owner or keeper of the dog is responsible for the victims medical bills automatically- whether the owner was careless in some way or not.

Getting a dog attack lawyer involved almost always fixes the situation. We can explain to the owner how the law works, and that they usually will not be paying out of pocket. After all, this is why we all pay for homeowners insurance, in case something bad happens, we want it covered. At McMullin Injury Law, we have handled all kinds of dog attack cases, from a small bite, all the way up to near-deadly attack by a group of pit-bulls. Give us a call for a free consultation.