utah divorce lawyers common problems

Utah Divorce Law – Common Problems

UT Divorce Law – Common Problems

This article discusses common problems concerning UT divorce law.

  • Common Divorce problems – how to solve/prevent them:
  • Getting married too young is a common problem in Utah. The risk of divorce is higher the younger someone gets married – especially if someone gets married younger than 20, and/or makes less than $25,000 annually. The average age of women getting married in the U.S. is 27, and 29 for men. In Utah, the average age of women getting married in Utah is 24, and 26 for men. When it comes to deciding who to marry, one must think long term, not just short-term. If someone does this, the risk of divorce will decline dramatically; not only will individuals be more prepared for marriage, they will be choosing someone whom they will stay with. Avoid becoming involved UT divorce law by following some of this advice.
  • Divorce Education is a requirement in Utah for couples who desire divorce and have minors. It benefits individuals because it is educational, but it is required by UT divorce law and may set some people off, or create more tension between couples.
  • Parenting children can be one of the most difficult problems to deal with when it comes to divorce and UT divorce law. Divorce can affect so many people and can have the longest/hardest impact on the children of the divorced couple. Preventing/solving this problem starts well before having children, it starts with the decision to get married to the right person. Getting married to the right person is difficult, especially when emotions are high. Some couples are so in love with each other, they want to get married – in these moments, the couples should think and/or discuss long-term goals, and the direction each other would like to go.
  • Court can be prevented if the couple is uncontested about the terms of the divorce, and the court that are filed with the court does not request an informal/formal hearing, according to UT divorce law.
  • Disagreement on terms of the divorce. When disagreements happen, a court, attorney, or both need to get involved – which prolongs the length and raises the expense of the divorce, according to UT divorce law. One does not need to give up everything to their spouse in a divorce in order to have the divorce go smoothly; they need to simply work together and agree on who gets what.
  • Child Support is a common problem in the fact that in many cases, the spouse who must pay child support does not. Legal action can happen if the spouse does not pay for child support for a certain period of time. Preventing a parent from not paying child support is difficult, because the parent who has custody may not want to take legal action to make it right – they may not know why the other parent is not paying for child support.
  • How are assets split in Utah?
      1. Assets are split in Utah in various ways. One of which being right down the middle, allowing each spouse half of the assets. Part of the process of divorce is splitting up the marital property. In Utah, this is done according to “equitable distribution.” This does not mean it is done evenly. It can be, but each case is different and it is possible that the assets could be split quite unevenly.
  • How is child custody determined?
      1. In many cases, the parents will decide outside of court on who will get custody. If an agreement is made and the court rules it worthy, then that parent usually gets custody. If a couple disagrees about custody, then usually a family judge will decide who gets custody.
      2. A family judge determines which parent will get custody based on many variables. The most important variable being the child’s best interest. There are many factors that help a judge determine what would be in the best interest of the child. One example might be if one parent has already been taking good care of the child(ren) by themselves. Another might be proximity to other family and/or schools. Another factor might be if one parent is less financially stable or has any issues with drugs or alcohol.
  • How much child support will one pay?
      1. “According to the Census Bureau Reports, the average monthly child support payment is $430” (Atwood, 2016). It is important to remember that child support is not a punishment. It is not alimony. It is simply money paid by one parent to another to ensure that enough money is available to properly raise the children. The amount of time that each parent has custody can dramatically affect how much child support is owed.
  • One must pay child support in terms and variables of income of the custodial and noncustodial parent, health insurance of both parents, daycare costs, etc. Each case is different, meaning each parent who must pay child support, pays an ethical amount to compensate the divorce.

Alimony, or spousal support, is providing financial support for an ex-spouse. Alimony usually happens after a divorce, and it is implemented from a judge who determines that one spouse makes significantly more money than the other spouse, and therefore needs to provide financial support for the other spouse. Alimony is usually not required to divorced spouses who were not married for very long and/or earn similar amounts of money.

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Utah Divorce Law – Common Problems

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Utah Divorce Law – Cost & Time

Utah Divorce Law – Cost & Time

This article provides information about the cost and time associated with divorce according to Utah divorce law.

  • Definition: Divorce happens after a married couple does not want to be legally married and/or living together anymore; it is legally dissolving a marriage.  
  • How much does a divorce cost?
      1. There is a lot that goes into the divorce process. Filing for divorce costs $318 in Utah, however, there is a lot more to a divorce than just a small fee. Let’s list some examples and how much they cost:
  • Mutually agreed divorce: When a couple can agree on the terms prior to them filing for divorce, the cost can be significantly lower than if they are not on agreeing terms. The average cost of a divorce when both parties already agree on all terms for the divorce can be as low as $100-$400. When they are not on agreeing terms, it can involve divorce attorneys. Most divorces are far more expensive than just a few hundred dollars.
  • Having Minor Children: Filing for divorce while they are minors involved can make it more lengthy and costly. What this really means is that attorneys need to be involved in order to complete the divorce process. The average cost of a divorce according to Utah divorce law is in Utah is $13,200, including around $10,000  in attorney fees. The average hourly rate for divorce attorneys in Utah is $250, it takes on average 53 hours total work time to start and complete a divorce.
  • Disputing over Alimony: Alimony is the financial legal obligation for a spouse in the event of a marriage separation or divorce. In the event of a divorce, sometimes there are disagreements over how much support one spouse is willing to provide.
  • Property Division problems: When a couple file for divorce, one major component of the divorce according to Utah divorce law is the division of property. Property can be one of the most disputed issues in any divorce. In other words, who gets what?
  • Do-It-Yourself: Utah divorce law says that if both spouses are in full agreement to all of the terms of the divorce, then a Do-It-Yourself or DIY divorce can be an option that is much cheaper. In Utah, there are clinics that offer their DIY divorce for a price much lower than that of one that involves a divorce attorney. If a couple file for divorce and they do not have minor children, the total DIY divorce is $543, which includes the $318 Utah divorce filing fee. If a couple file for divorce with minor children, the DIY divorce is $643, which includes the $318 Utah divorce filing fee. Keep in mind that many who choose to undergo a divorce without professional legal help end up dealing with long-term unfortunate consequences down the road.
  • How long does a divorce take?
    1. Utah divorce law says that a divorce has a minimum 90 day mandatory ‘waiting period’ – this is a time where the spouses should ‘cool off’ and helps many people make rational decisions because emotions won’t be so high. Once the 90 day waiting period is over, the divorce may be completed – it will take at least 90 days to complete.

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Cost & Time

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Utah Divorce Law – Cost & Time

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Utah Divorce Law – Common Problems

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Utah Family Law