chiropractor information utah



This article discusses the basics of the chiropractic profession, focusing on the particular types of treatments a chiropractor offers.

What is a chiropractor?

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who specializes in diagnosing the spine, neck, and muscles, with the addition of treatment for such diagnosis. A chiropractor’s focus is to treat pain and discomfort in the spine and neck; which focus is primarily to balance of the spine and nervous system. All chiropractors must go to a Chiropractic School and graduate. Also, in many states, these graduates must pass a national test in order to begin their practice. A chiropractor uses their hands for manipulation of the spine and neck; manipulation of the spine can result in a ‘popping’ sound, which is a change of pressure and the release of gas in the joint.

What Injuries do they treat?

The injuries that a chiropractor treats can vary depending on the person. Some of the injuries that a chiropractor treats include but are not limited to:

  • Back/Neck pain
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Injuries from Sports
  • Auto Accident Injuries

Most of the injuries that a chiropractor diagnoses and/or treats are related to the neck, spine, or muscles. They can diagnose or treat many other illnesses or pain.

What treatment do they use?

The treatment a chiropractor uses can vary depending on the chiropractor’s preference, or how they were trained in chiropractic school. There are some common techniques for treatment, including but not limited to:

  • Decompression of the Spine – this helps with herniated discs in the spine.
  • MiRX Nasal Spray – this is supposed to relieve headaches and migraines.
  • Spinal Adjustment – this helps realign the spine and help with pain
  • Massage Therapy – this helps blood flow in the muscles and range of motion

The treatment that chiropractors use on their patients is mostly natural.


Typically, a chiropractor will open up their own clinic, or join one or a few other chiropractors in a clinic. Chiropractors have one common goal: to help their patients with pain and discomfort. The way they do that is through treatment mentioned above.


Since chiropractors services are medical, insurance can cover visits, with a common co-pay. Subluxation is an illness where the discs in the spine become swollen or irritated and the joint becomes inflamed. Medicare covers the correcting of the spine due to subluxation. What is not covered by Medicare is massage therapy, acupuncture, or X-Rays.

Is it safe to visit a chiropractor?

No health treatment is free of negative effects on the body, but a chiropractor uses natural remedies to treat illness and pain, and are known as some of the safest and non-invasive therapy choices for musculoskeletal illness and pain. Migraines and headaches can be treated via neck manipulation by a chiropractor help increase mobility in the neck and is very safe.

Massage Therapy

There are several types of massages to treat injuries including but not limited to:

  • Sports – focuses on the treatment of sports-related muscle injuries.
  • Deep – focuses on a slower, more focused massage for deeper layers of muscle.
  • Swedish – focuses on relaxation and energy muscle therapy.
  • Trigger Point – focuses on a targeted area to help relieve pain and discomfort.

The massaging of the muscles for therapy is quite useful for the treatment of muscle pain. Some chiropractors use massage therapy for treatment. However, some chiropractors will refer patients to a massage specialist if their condition is confined to muscles only. Massage therapy focuses on the blood flow of the muscles, as well as the tightness and soreness of the muscles. Massage therapy can be very relaxing. It can be very beneficial for patients because the massage therapist is able to address any muscle tension directly. Pain relieving medicine temporarily relieves pain, while massage therapy focuses on addressing the pain directly and permanently.  


Children can benefit from chiropractic care, and it is safe to do so. Many children are active and as a result, some children get injured. When an injury results in back/neck pain, or even muscle spasms or discomfort, a chiropractor would be beneficial. A chiropractor adapts their treatment to each individual patient.


Because of the nature of the treatment from chiropractors, some soreness may be present after your appointment. The spine, neck, and muscles may not be used to this sort of treatment. This soreness usually means that the treatment is working, but when your body changes it needs to adjust.

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The Emergency Room & Trauma Center

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plea in abeyance utah

Traffic Ticket: Now What?

Traffic Ticket: Now What?

What are your options once you get a traffic ticket? Here we will discuss the three choices a person has in that scenario, which are paying the fine, plea in abeyance, and requesting a trial.

What can I do if I get a ticket?

There are a few things you can do when you get a ticket. Let’s say you got a speeding ticket and the fine is about $150. With that ticket, you can do one of the following:

  1. Pay the fine
  2. Plea in abeyance
  3. Request a trial

If you simply pay the fine because you are guilty, the ticket stays on your record.

If you complete the plea in abeyance (pay the fine, complete traffic school and drive for 6 months with no further tickets), the ticket will be expunged from your record. Receiving a ticket during the 6 months after driving school will result in the original $150 ticket to remain on your record.

Instead of a plea in abeyance and if you feel you are not guilty, you can request a trial. Most of the time the trial will be tried by a judge, instead of a jury. A bench trial is a trial by a judge instead of a jury. This is beneficial to traffic violations that are less serious because a bench trial is usually faster and cheaper. Also, a judge is well immersed and understanding of the law. A jury sometimes can make decisions based on emotion instead of being objective. In a bench trial, you will present your case to the judge, and the officer who gave you the ticket will give testimony and then the judge will decide. Sometimes the judge will make a decision immediately, whether you are guilty or not guilty. The judge is present from start to finish which can also speed up the process.

What does a ticket look like on your record?

If you have or had a driver’s license at some point in your life, you have a driving record. If someone gets a traffic ticket, that ticket stays on their driving record forever. The only way to have a ticket removed from your record is by Expungement. Expungement is a court-ordered process with an end result of the violation being removed or erased from your record; legally it is not there anymore. The expungement process can be lengthy and you cannot have any pending criminal charges when you file for expungement. Once charged with a violation, you must wait for a certain amount of time (the amount varies from state to state). You can then file for expungement after that time. After you file the expungement paperwork, the paperwork will then be transferred to the county clerk’s office to be examined. If there are no objections, then the violation(s) will be expunged. If there are objections found, there will be a court hearing that you must attend.

Common Problems

Some common problems with traffic tickets could be:

  1. Not paying the ticket on time;
  2. Not cooperating with peace officers;
  3. Not showing up to a bench trial in court; or
  4. Not showing respect to the officers or legal personnel.

In court, high respect should be shown toward legal personnel and the judge/jury. If you are pulled over and given a warning instead of a ticket, be respectful towards the officer. The easiest way to avoid the hassle is to not get a ticket in the first place. When we get behind the wheel, we incur a great amount of responsibility from a valid license to keeping within the speed limit. There is a lot of liability for someone who drives on public roads; if they are negligent with the law and hurt someone else, they are responsible for those damages. Of course, they are innocent until proven guilty (the judge/jury finds them guilty without finding a reasonable doubt). To avoid paying a fine, entering a plea in abeyance, or requesting a trail, do your best to be a safe driver.

If the person who got the ticket does not cooperate, they are only making it worse for themselves. Many Americans receive traffic tickets at least once during their life, and it is best to cooperate. Cooperation is important especially if the person pleads not guilty or no contest and desires to fight the ticket.

plea in abeyance

Traffic Ticket: Now What?

Plea in Abeyance

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police search information utah

Can the Police Search My Car or House?

Can the Police Search My Car or House?

Under what circumstances can a police search of your car or house legally take place? Learn here.

4th Amendment

The fourth amendment explains the right we have “to secure in (our) persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures”. We have the right to deny the request for a search and seize in all instances except for situations where prompt action by police is necessary.

Why would they want to search my car?

Police search cars for many reasons that include (but are not limited to) searching for:

  • Drugs
  • Firearms
  • Drug Paraphernalia

Police search cars with the intent to protect themselves and citizens. When a citizen is pulled over for a traffic violation, the police officer may ask to search the citizen’s car. If the citizen is asked by a police officer to search their car, the police officer may search the car only if:

  1. The citizen gives the police officer consent;
  2. The police officer has probable cause;
  3. The officer believes they need to search the vehicle for their own protection; or
  4. You have been arrested and searching your vehicle is related to the reason for the arrest.

Police officers search cars with the intent to help you and keep other citizens safe. If someone is pulled over for speeding and the officer smells alcohol, they may ask the citizen to search the car. If the citizen gives consent, the officer may search the car.

When granted, a search warrant allows for an officer searches the specific areas and items described in the warrant. The process of being granted a warrant involves one or more officers convincing a judge that there is probable cause for criminal activity in a certain area. If the judge is convinced, the warrant is granted. In some situations requiring immediate action, an officer may search and/or seize without a warrant as long as there is a reasonable cause and demands prompt action by a police officer.

If a police officer has a search warrant for your car, they may search the car with or without your consent. There are certain situations where the police officer does not need a search warrant to search your property. There is no specific number or limit on the kinds or amounts of situations, e.g. stopping someone from destroying criminal evidence that could be used in a court trial. If the police interpret a situation and conclude that searching property is absolutely necessary, they may search and seize.

Why would they want to search my house?

A police officer or team of police officers would search someone’s house if they have reason to believe that some form of criminal activity or criminal evidence is inside the home or on the property. The question to ask is ‘is there a probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed?’; if the judge does not have any doubts, then the judge will more than likely sign the warrant. A judge can take as much time they need to understand the reasoning for the search warrant, but if there is one or more beliefs that ‘yes’, a crime has been committed then the judge won’t hesitate in signing the warrant.

For example, if the police have reason to believe that the person living at a certain address has committed criminal activity they could obtain a search warrant for the criminal’s address. The warrant usually has language specifying the police or authorities have the authority to search for certain items or people. In other words, if the police can convince a judge that they have reason to believe there is criminal evidence at a specific place, they can obtain a warrant and that grants them the ability to legally search the property.

When the warrant is issued to the police, the person of residence is requested not to be present when the warrant is issued to police (whether or not they are related to the evidence or the crime). Because the resident is not present and therefore can challenge the warrant after the search.

The language of the search warrant is very specific. More often than not, the warrant has language that obliges the authorities to search in specific areas or for specific items; they can only search those areas.

Illegal Search and Seizure

The first question asked usually follows something like ‘is searching the citizen or their property violating their privacy?’; if the answer is yes and the citizen denies the search request, then the officer needs to be granted a search warrant.

There are some instances where the officer searches a car or property and does not have a probable cause that requires immediate action – this is illegal search and seizure. There are plenty of other instances, but to name a few would be using hi-tech to eavesdrop on a conversation to be granted a warrant. What a police officer could do is reasonably listen to a conversation to get enough information to obtain the warrant.

police search

Can the Police Search My Car or House?

Police Search

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real estate law in st george utah

What is Real Estate?

What is Real Estate?

This article addresses the basics of real estate law.


Real estate is defined as “property consisting of land or buildings”. If someone owns land or a house, they own real estate. Someone can own real estate locally, nationally or even internationally. The real estate that they own can be houses, condos, apartment buildings, business buildings, etc. According to real estate law, if the owner of the real estate just owns the land that a building is built on, they are considered to be the landlord. The buildings then are either rented or bought – but the landlord still owns the land that they are built on.

Should I hire an attorney?

If you are in a real estate transaction and have many questions – ones that the seller and/or a real estate agent cannot answer – hiring an attorney may be the best option. An attorney will answer real estate law legal questions and offer the best help concerning your concerns resolved. Consulting with an attorney who knows real estate law before you hire them is recommended – there are many attorneys that offer free consultations, so you can get a feel for what their service can do for you before you pay them. If the questions you have about the property are related to real estate law, hiring a lawyer is recommended, especially if a real estate agent involved does not know the answers to your questions. When it comes to real estate agents getting paid for selling a property, their cost is usually paid by the seller of the property. However, sometimes the cost of the real estate agent gets passed to the buyer.


Landlords can own any type of real estate, and that makes them a small business owner if they are to renting out housing. Most commonly, a landlord owns an apartment building, and the landlord rents his/her apartments to renters. The people who live in the apartments do not own the apartment just because they are paying for it – they are simply being allowed to live there because the landlord is allowing them, and they are paying the landlord, according to real estate law.

Real Estate Law

Real estate law governs who may own and use the land (and the buildings on the land). The real estate can be privately owned, or public (commercial). The land and the buildings can be sold, purchased and rented. Each state and county has different real estate laws regarding the process of real estate transactions, and how those transactions are recorded. Much of the transactions now are done electronically, and the way those are recorded are much different now than they were twenty years ago.

Common problems:

  • Fraudulence: lying or deception in order to get the buyer to purchase the home is fraudulent. If there have been repairs done on the house that are not disclosed, that is considered lying and is fraudulent.
  • Disagreement – many properties in Utah are owned by multiple parties. When there is a decision that needs to be made – a repair, re-finance, or even selling the property – there can be disagreements between the property owners, which can result in legal action. One extreme result is when there is an absolute disagreement, one that cannot be resolved, and legal action can be made to divide the property between the owners.
  • Contracts – when there are contract issues in a real estate transaction, hiring a lawyer experienced in real estate law will be the best option.

Important Terms:

  • Title: If someone has the title to land or a building, they own whatever piece of real estate is stated in the title.
  • Mortgage: A mortgage is a loan that a buyer has for the entire price of the
  • Foreclosure: If the owner of the property does not pay the bills, a lender takes control of the property.
  • Closing: When property is purchased, the buyer and seller meet to ‘close’ the deal, in which the ownership of the property gets transferred.
  • Escrow: A portion of the property or money that is held by a third party.
  • Real Estate Agent: A negotiator for property sales, of which they are licensed to do so.
  • Real Estate Broker: Also an agent, a broker can hire agents to work for them. A broker must be licensed in the state they are going to be practicing in. A broker must have three of the last five years as a full-time active experience in real estate, or they must have two years of full time active real estate experience with an additional one year of professional real estate experience.

real estate law

Real Estate Law

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