What do I get Paid if I get Hurt at Work?

What do I get Paid if I get Hurt at Work?

When someone gets hurt at work, Utah State Statute outlines formulas that tell us exactly what amount of money the injured worker is entitled to recover. As long as the right numbers are put into the equation, the right numbers will come out. However, there may be a disagreement as to whether or not a particular claimant qualifies for a given type of claim at all. If you have questions about whether or not you are being offered a fair amount for any claim after being injured at work, contact a work injury attorney right away.

5 Types of Workers’ Compensation Damages

  1. Medical Expenses – these are the most obvious damages an injured worker is entitled to, so long as a Doctor states that the injury is work related, and injured worker is entitled to recover the full amount of any medical bills incurred. The injured worker is not even responsible for co-pays. Bills must be submitted within a year in order to have a valid claim to be compensated for them.
  1. Temporary Total Disability (TTD) – An injured worker is entitled to collect temporary total disability when a doctor’s written record states that because of the injuries, the worker is unable to perform the duties necessary at that particular place of employment. If that is the case, the injured worker should receive 2/3 of their average weekly wage at the time of the injury. This amount has both a floor and a ceiling. It can’t be more than the state average weekly wage (just under $800.00), and it can’t be less than $45 per week + $5 per week for each dependent in the injured person’s household. Those hurt on the job are entitled to receive this benefit until they have recovered enough to return to work, or for 12 years, whichever is less.
  1. Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) – This is for injured workers who have returned to work, but are still missing some time. This benefit is calculated in the same way as TTD. The difference is that this amount only considers the difference in average weekly wage from before and after the accident. For example, if an employee was working 40 hours before the injury, but now their doctor says they can only work 20 hours per week during their first month back, the amount that the injured worker would be entitled to is 2/3 of the difference between what the employee was making before and after the injury. The same roof and ceilings apply as well.
  1. Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) – This compensation is for people who are left with some form of permanent impairment from the injury, but who are still able to work and hold down a job. Once maximum medical improvement has been reached, a doctor will do a wide variety of tests and will assign an impairment rating using AMA Guidelines. This number will be a percentage out of 100 which the patient is impaired. A large impairment, such as losing a hand, would be about a 50% impairment, a small impairment, such as an injured pinky finger, would be about a 1% impairment. The amount of compensation takes that percentage and multiplies it by 312 (the maximum number of weeks). This gives a number of weeks, losing a hand would be around 160. Then, that number of weeks is multiplied by the same number the other equations used. Two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly wage at the time of the injury. If a worker was earning well over the average weekly wage, the ceiling changes to only two-thirds of the state average weekly wage. Therefore, losing a hand would be worth around $80,000.00 (160 X 500.00).
  1. Permanent Total Disability (PTD) – These damages are only available to injured workers who are hurt so badly that they are unable to return to any job reasonably available to them. This includes jobs they have held in the past, and other positions that they are qualified to hold. If a case qualifies as a perm total, based on the doctor’s written evaluations, the damages are substantial. They would be entitled to 2/3 of their average weekly wage at the time of the injury or 85% of the average weekly wage, whichever is less, for the entire first 312 weeks. After those 12 years, they are entitled to 36% of their average weekly wage for the rest of their entire lives. These damages can be shut off at any point if the victim recovers and is able to return to work, or if the employer pays to have the victim trained and qualified for a new vocation. Sometimes a full and final settlement of all potential future damages is the wisest decision.

The basic summary contained in this article is not enough to properly represent yourself against an insurance carrier. For more information, call 435-673-9990 to speak to a work injury lawyer in Southern Utah.

Workers’ Compensation Law

Free Legal Resources

Welcome to the Workmans’ Compensation Section of our Free Legal Resources. Getting hurt  while on the job is the worst. Injured employees have rights. State law in Utah outlines the many ways that injured workers should be taken care of. The articles contained on these pages were all written by licensed workers compensation attorneys. There is so much that could be written about Utah Workers Compensation Laws that these articles only scratch the surface. Please do not hesitate to call our office with any additional questions you may have. It’s our goal to be the most accessible attorneys in Southern Utah. We get it, and we are happy to help. 435-673-9990.

  • What if my claim is being denied?

  • How soon do I have to return to work?

  • Should my medical bills be paid by my employer?

  • Should my wages be paid while I’m on medical leave?

  • What should I be paid if my injury is permanent?

  • What if I want to fight for more money?

Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

Traumatic Brain Injury Cases


Injuries to the brain are quite common. The most likely causes of these types of injuries are: sports, traffic accidents, falls, work accidents, and assaults. Until recently, brain injuries like concussions have been thought to be relatively minor. However, recent studies have shown that concussions can create permanent scar tissue in the brain. Studies further showed that some brains had not yet fully healed to their pre-concussed state for as long as forty years after the initial injury. These long term effects are disheartening, but the potential immediate symptoms may be more startling. Some individuals suffering from even minor concussions experience P.C.S. (post-concussion syndrome). Post-concussion syndrome can manifest itself for weeks or even months following a concussion. The result is prolonged headaches, dizziness, nausea, depression, irritability, and lethargy. Even more frightening is second-impact syndrome. Second-impact syndrome occurs when a second concussion is experienced during the time that the first concussion is still actively healing. This second impact can cause the brain to swell. When this occurs, the effects are devastating. Most cases of second impact syndrome result in either death or permanent mental impairment. Those who have suffered a concussion should not return to physical activity until they have been cleared by a doctor.

The recent class action lawsuit, Maxwell v. NFL, revolved around these issues. A partial settlement was reached last year in the amount of 675 Million. Many feel that even this enormous amount is not enough to compensate the over 20,000 victims who were misdiagnosed and mistreated after experiencing concussions while playing in the NFL.

For a variety of reasons, injuries to the brain are often undervalued, both by insurance adjusters, and by society as a whole. Some of those reasons include: the lack of physical readily-observable symptoms, the lack of treatment to help repair the injured brain, and the lack of education as to recent medical discoveries regarding traumatic brain injuries.

The protein scaring discovered in the brain helps with the problem of not being able to see the symptoms of concussions. That study adds validity to the growing concern surrounding these types of injuries. The litigation involving the NFL is publicized so widely that there is reason to hope that the public will be better educated about brain injuries and their seriousness. The second problem, lack of treatment, is perhaps of greater concern. The brain is an extremely intricate part of the human body. Its function affects every aspect of our lives. Yet, the best treatment that we have for concussions is simply rest. The lack of available adequate treatment can make damages difficult to calculate in a traumatic brain injury case.

No amount of money can adequately compensate a victim who has suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of the actions of another. However, an experienced injury attorney can likely help those who have suffered brain injuries recover a fair judgment or settlement.