road construction law in utah

Road Construction Laws

Road Construction Laws

This article discusses road construction laws in the state of Utah.

  • Right of Way/Directions
    • According to road construction laws in the state of Utah, a driver of the vehicle must give the right of way to a vehicle or pedestrian that is authorized for and engaged in highway construction or maintenance on the road. A person or driver must not willfully refuse to follow any direction of a worker/flagger at a highway construction area that is designated to control the flow of traffic. Also, the maintenance vehicles, especially within the construction zones, must drive safely according to road construction laws in Utah.
  • Duties of Contractors
    • If there is a hazard on a public highway created by construction, the contractor must place barricades, lights, and signs to warn drivers on the road of the hazard according to road construction laws in Utah. There is no liability for the contractor for any damage that results in a vehicle that drives into a construction zone or into a warning sign that is clearly visible.
  • Animal Laws on Roadways
    • There are also regulations that pertain to animals when dealing with road construction laws in Utah. A person riding an animal or riding in a carriage pulled by an animal, they must obey and follow the Utah traffic code. Livestock cannot use the public roads; instead, they must use permitted livestock roads. Any person in control of any livestock cannot allow “livestock to stray or remain unaccompanied on a highway”.
  • Speed Limits
    • The speed limits of construction zones generally are lowered by 5-10 miles per hour. If a person commits a speeding violation in a highway construction or maintenance site where workers are present, a court will impose a fine for the offense of at least double the fine.

road construction laws

Road Construction Laws

McMullin Injury Law

Bicycle Laws

Bicycle Laws

This article discusses bicycle laws in the state of Utah.

National Laws

National bicycle laws vary from state to state. In Utah, there is no statewide requirement for minors or adults to wear a helmet. However, some counties and cities require the wearing of a bicycle helmet, regardless of the state law. There are many laws that pertain to the riding of bicycles in certain areas or locations. If they are riding on a public street, cyclists are required to obey the rules of the road just like any other motor vehicle; they are required to indicate when turning, stop at red lights, etc.

Cyclists on the road are considered the same as a motor vehicle, and therefore have to obey all road related laws.

Helmet Laws

Helmet laws in the United States for bicycles vary from state to state. The age can also vary for the requirement of wearing a helmet. For example, there is no statewide requirement for bicyclists to wear a helmet in Texas, minor or adult. However, some states such as Houston and Fort Worth require all bicyclists under the age of 18 to wear a helmet.

Local laws

There are local laws in some counties or cities that are not present in the state law. For example, in Washington County in Utah, there is no requirement for cyclists to ride on the street, instead of the sidewalk. There used to be a clear-cut law in Washington County, “it shall be unlawful for any person to ride any bicycle upon any sidewalk within the city, except sidewalks that may be designated for bicycle riding by the city council”. However, this law has been removed for the time being; this indicates that cyclists may now ride on sidewalks that do not indicate the allowance or denial or riding. In other words, cyclists can ride on sidewalks, simply because there is no law that prevents them from doing so. Because this law has been removed recently, some citizens may not know about it and get irritated if they are walking on the sidewalk and a cyclist is riding on the same sidewalk. If someone doesn’t know the current laws, they may become frustrated with certain situations.


As with all laws, the intent of road laws pertaining to motorists and cyclists is to keep the roads safe. Cyclists are to obey all traffic laws as if they were driving a motor vehicle. Cyclists, just like motorists, will be given a ticket for violating road laws. Cyclists are encouraged to ride single file but are permitted to ride side by side, but no more than two side by side.

The requirement for cyclists riding at night is that the cyclist must have a white light that can be seen from 500 feet away and a rear red reflector. Also, wearing light colors, even reflective colors at night is highly encouraged.

Common Problems

There is a common problem that presents itself when a bicyclist who is not wearing a helmet is hit by a car and has a head injury. If the county, city or state requires all persons to wear a helmet while riding a bicycle, this person could lose their chance at compensation due to their negligence of the helmet law. This bicyclist still may be able to receive some compensation for the accident, but because they were negligent in connection with the accident, it will be very difficult for them to receive such compensation. One way this can be done is by proving that the head injury would have occurred even with the helmet, but that task is very difficult to prove.

When it comes to liability, the person who caused the crash is at fault and most likely has to pay for the damages. If both parties are at fault, it can get complicated; such as a cyclist not wearing a helmet when they are supposed to, and a car crashes into them.

With the recent removal of the bicycle sidewalk law in Washington County, problems can occur when citizens are unaware of recent laws. This can cause problems on the road or even cause accidents.

Because cyclists are much smaller than cars, motorists sometimes don’t see cyclists.

Bicycle Crashes

There is good news and bad news about bicycle crashes. The bad news is that 45% of bicycle crashes happen in or near an intersection. The good news is around 59% of bicycle crashes involve on the bicycle and the bicycle rider. There are still collisions with cyclists and cars, though; 11% of bicycle crashes involve a cyclist and a car.

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utah bicycle laws

Bicycle Laws

McMullin Injury Law

info on radiologists utah



This article discusses details on the profession of radiology including what a radiologist is, who and what they treat, and some of the common types of medical equipment they use.

What is a radiologist?

A radiologist is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of illness and disease through medical imaging techniques. They, just like other doctors, have completed medical school and completed a residency and additional special training. Some of radiologists techniques include (but are not limited to):

  • X-ray
  • Computed tomography (CT)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Positron emission tomography (PET)
  • Fusion imaging
  • Ultrasound

The importance of a radiologist is high because when an injury isn’t clear a radiologist will test via medical images and direct the patient to the specific care they need. Sometimes multiple medical screens are necessary in order to get the most accurate finding of the injury or illness.

What types of injuries do they treat?

The types of injuries radiologists treat can range from broken bones to cancer. With the use of medical imaging, radiologists can see what is going on inside the body. Injuries that a radiologist might treat include (but are not limited to):

  • Cancer
  • Broken bone
  • Heart disease
  • Blood-related disease
  • Digestive problems
  • Headache and migraine
  • Brain disease

What types of treatment do they provide?

The types of treatment a radiologist provides are mostly based on medical imaging. Some of the techniques that a radiologist might use include (but are not limited to):

  • Breast imaging
  • Cardiovascular Radiology
  • Chest Radiology
  • Emergency Radiology
  • Gastrointestinal Radiology
  • Genitourinary Radiology
  • Head and neck Radiology
  • Musculoskeletal Radiology
  • Neuroradiology Radiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Nuclear Radiology
  • Radiation Oncology

With the variety of techniques a radiologist has, they can approach a disease, injury or illness in many different ways. Similar to a sonographer using an image for an ultrasound, Interventional radiology is ‘image-guided’ surgery, meaning the image is used as a tool for the surgeon to see more clearly. A radiologist might use an X-ray image to diagnose a traumatic injury someone may have suffered from in a car crash.

A radiologist is a physician who is specially trained to obtain and interpret medical images, such as an X-ray. They are trained to interpret the images and understand what is functioning normally and if there are any abnormalities. Sometimes it is clear that someone has a broken bone or has a migraine, but a radiologist can see inside the body and understand if there are any underlying issues that are of concern. If the radiologist finds something, they can then treat the patient or refer them to another specialist. For example, let’s say someone twists their ankle and they continue to walk on it. They may say to themselves, “I twisted my ankle but I’m fine. I don’t need to see a doctor”. They might have broken their ankle and a few bones in their foot – if they continue to walk on it and don’t seek any treatment they may make the injury worse. If they saw a radiologist and got an X-ray, the radiologist could recommend certain medicine and therapy for a speedy and full recovery, instead of making it worse.


The X-ray was invented in 1896, and have served as a primary tool for physicians since its inception. An X-ray is “an electromagnetic wave of high energy and very short wavelength, which is able to pass through many materials opaque (not able to see through) to light”. In other words, an X-ray machine sends tiny waves through an object and the waves collect the data, sending it to a computer. The data is then collected and used for research and diagnosis. Then the radiologist or doctor can explain the images to the patient.


An MRI is similar to an X-ray, but it images the water molecules in the body and takes images of tissues. Radiofrequency and electromagnetic field are used to take medical images of the soft tissue (via water molecules). The specialty for an MRI is soft tissue (tissue that connects, supports or surrounds parts of the body, e.x. muscles, tendons, etc.).

CT Scan

A CT scan or ‘Cat Scan’ is a use of radiation waves and takes cross-sectional images of the body using a small beam that sends the waves through the body. In other words, a CT scans the body using radiation instead of an X-ray. The results are then studied by the doctor and shown to the patient, and any abnormalities are addressed.

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physical therapy mcmullin info utah

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapists

This article discusses physical therapy in detail included what it is, what types of patients and injuries physical therapists treat, and much more.

What is it?

Physical Therapy is a more natural treatment for injuries as an alternative to drugs or surgery. Physical therapists focus on the development/re-development of muscles, increasing movement in the joints, reducing pain, restoring function, and preventing disability. Physical therapy patients who suffer pain as a result of injury or hereditary illness can benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapists use many techniques to treat patients, including hands-on massage, machines such as a treadmill to increase motion, or exercise equipment to help increase mobility. Chronic pain can be addressed through physical therapy as well.


The type of people who might seek physical therapists for relief are people who have pain/discomfort from mobility. For example, someone who had a minor knee injury a few years ago might suffer from knee pain while exercising. Surgery is an option, but physical therapy might be a healthier option. This patient could benefit from strengthening the muscles around the knee joint and take some of the stress off of the knee joint. Physical therapy can only do so much for someone. If someone needs a knee replaced, surgery might be the best option. This patient, however, would benefit from physical therapy after surgery.

What types of injuries do they treat?

There are many types of injuries that physical therapists treat, but for the most part, they treat injuries related to:

  • Ligaments and Tendons
  • Tendonitis
  • Fractures/Breaks/Sprains
  • Arthritis
  • Dislocations
  • Lower Back Pain

The goal of physical therapy when it comes to treating injuries is to promote movement and function in the human body.

What types of treatment do they provide?

There are several types of treatment that physical therapists use, which include but are not limited to:

  • Exercise – for overall physical health
  • Ultrasound – for tissue heating and healing (muscles, tendons, etc.)
  • Electrical Stimulation – treats muscle pain and muscle spasms
  • Traction – treats the spine with decompression
  • Joint Mobilization – manual treatment, a ‘hands-on’ technique used by many physical therapists
  • Massage/Heat/Ice – ‘hands-on’ technique to help soreness/tightness in muscles


When someone has surgery to fix or restore something in their body, physical therapy may be of benefit to them to re-develop the muscles and joints. The surgery recovery time can be lengthy, but physical therapy can help speed up the recovery time. Surgery can do many things that physical therapy cannot, but they can complement each other. Physical therapy can provide patients who have had surgery with great benefit to recovery, and even speed up the recovery process. Major surgeries usually need time to recover, and sometimes require lots of bedrest. Some leg surgeries require elevation in order to prevent excess swelling. Minor surgeries sometimes are performed so the patient does not have to take anesthesia.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is described as pain occurring from irritation, inflammation and recurring pain. The pain is said to be present even after someone has healed from an injury. While there is no known cure for chronic pain, physical therapy can help reduce the amount of pain someone is experiencing. Physical therapy is considered a healthy alternative to drugs and surgery, but if someone has to have surgery for chronic pain, physical therapy can help with.


If a patient has suffered an injury or had a surgical procedure on their knee, they may have reduced motion or mobilization in that knee joint. Physical therapists target those specific joints and treat them. When someone cannot run, exercise, or even walk, it can be difficult to deal with mentally and physically. The patient would be advised to see a physical therapist for treatment and pain relief. The physical therapist would diagnose the current mobility and motion of the knee and set goals to increase the mobility and motion. The exercises and techniques used to treat a knee injury or knee surgery will be set at a pace to help but not hurt the patient. The joint in someone’s knee is crucial for everyday life.

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Physical Therapists

McMullin Injury Law

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Is Betting on Sports Legal in Utah Now?

Is Betting on Sports Legal in Utah Now?

With the recent Supreme Court Decision, many have asked, is betting on sports legal in Utah now? The short answer is no. In May 2018, the Supreme Court struck down the federal prohibition on sports gambling. However, Utah, like most other States, still has laws in place that make sports gambling illegal in that State. The Utah law is found here:

utah sports betting

State vs. Federal Law

Currently, Nevada is the only state that legally allows sports gambling. All other states it is illegal to place bets on sports. What has just occured is the national law prohibiting sports gambling law has just been appealed. In other words, it is federally legal to place sports bets.

Is sports gambling legal in Utah now?

Not yet. Federally or nationally, sports betting is legal now. However, in order for an individual’s sports bet to be legal, sports betting must be legal federally and in that particular state. Sports betting is now legal federally and many states are in the process of passing bills to make sports betting legal in their individual state. Once the state passes that bill, sports betting will be legal just like Nevada.


The Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 (PASPA) was passed for the prohibiting of sports gambling in most states in January of 1993. On May 14, 2018, the PASPA act has been repealed (done away with). States that want to offer sports gambling can now begin the process of doing so. Since 1992, Nevada has been the only state to legally allow sports gambling. The process of legalizing sports gambling may take some time, but states such as New Jersey and New York are beginning the process immediately. In other words, states can now act on their own with regard to legalizing sports gambling.


Nevada sportsbooks have incurred billions of dollars as a result of legal sports gambling. Nevada sportsbooks acquired over $4 billion in 2017. With the repeal of PASPA, other states will more than likely see similar revenue. Currently, there is a large revenue in illegal sports gambling in the United States; over $150 billion annually.

New Jersey has been the main push for this federal law to be repealed. New Jersey has spent just under $10 million dollars in legal fees over the last years. However, it is predicted that New Jersey will collect over $250 million dollars in revenue in its first year of legal sports betting. The legal fees will be minimal compared to the profit in which the state is predicted to make.

The Future of Betting on Sports in Utah? 

There are already several states that are in the process of passing a bill that legally allows sports betting in that state. The leagues around the nation are not involved with illegal sports betting. With the legalization of sports betting, leagues will have to determine with certain legal organizations about the approach of sports betting and revenue. Adam Silver, NBA Commissioner, states that “regardless of the particulars of any future sports betting law, the integrity of our game remains our highest priority.”

Many believe that within only a few years, sports fans will be legally placing bets from their cell phones while attending live sporting events in Utah and every other state.