The quality and quantity dropped steadily when she started with OM

The quality and quantity dropped steadily when she started with OM

We have both recommitted to each other and it’s true that if you can survive the affair, and really work on your marriage, it can be better than it was in the beginning. I know you don’t want to hear that and I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you, but keep your head up, things always have a way of working out.

It stopped completely when I found out about them. We never experienced any hysterical bonding that you read about so much. I don’t travel much for work in fact I think I only went out of town on business once during that time for a couple days. Of course that didn’t matter because OM lived only 4 miles away. I know she was at his house, hotels, cars, parking lots, parks, bars…etc. She claims OM has not been to our house. Of course, I don’t believe that for a second. If she was cold enough to bang him in his marital home and in my car, that she drives around our children in, then our doing him in our home was most likely not given a second thought. She would never admit anything. I found all of this out from their messages but they only spanned 3 months of their 1 1/2 year affair. Read more