Property Damage: Getting Your Vehicle Repaired

Because we are a personal injury law firm, we see a lot of pictures of wrecked cars with damage that ranges from minor to severe.  Interestingly, more than once we have had clients tell us that an at-fault driver has declined to report an accident to his or her own insurance company.  If the damage appears to be minimal, the at-fault driver sometimes offers to pay for the repair out of his or her own pocket. Later, however, when the person is presented with the repair estimate, he or she refuses to pay and then reluctantly calls the insurance company.  Obviously valuable time is wasted because the accident should have been reported immediately to begin with.

At McMullin Injury Law, we understand the frustrations of getting a car repaired after an accident. We can guide you or someone you know if have questions about trying to figure out how to get your car repaired. To that end, we want to help you understand what your rights are when it comes to vehicle property damage after an accident.

First of all, after an accident, be sure to contact your own insurance company to inform them about the crash whether or not you were at fault. See our post about the five things to do after a crash.  Next, a determination must be made as to whether or not the car can be repaired or is a total loss. If items in the car are damaged or destroyed, it is necessary to find out if the driver will be compensated for the loss of those items.  Finally, in some cases, it will be necessary to have a rental car until the vehicle repair or total loss determination has been made.

Vehicle Repair  When it comes to getting your car repaired, you have specific rights.  Your insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurance company cannot require you as the claimant to travel unreasonable distances to obtain a repair estimate or to have your vehicle repaired at a specific shop.  If, however, the insurance company designates a specific shop and it is one you are comfortable using, the insurance company must see that the damaged vehicle is restored to its prior condition at no additional cost to you. Further, the work must be completed within a reasonable amount of time.

If Your Vehicle is Deemed a Total Loss  In most cases an adjuster from the at-fault party’s insurance company will evaluate the damage to the vehicle and make the determination if it is repairable or a total loss. For example, if the costs to repair the damage will exceed the vehicle’s value, it is likely that it will be declared a total loss; in that situation, the insurance company for the at-fault party may be on the hook to settle your claim.  Any settlement made must be on the basis of the market value or actual cost of a comparable vehicle at the time of the accident.  The insurance company may determine the value of your vehicle by using one of the following methods:

  1.  They may research the cost of two or more comparable vehicles found in the local area.  Some of their resources are Kelley Blue Book or NADA pricing guidelines. (Note: If there are no comparable vehicles in the area, they may branch out to outlying areas.)
  2. If no comparable vehicles are found, they may elect to use one of two or more quotes from qualified dealers in the local area.
  3. They may use any additional source that meets certain criteria as specified in the insurance regulations, although this option is rarely used.

Property Damage  According to the Utah Insurance Department, “the property damage liability portion of the at-fault driver’s policy will most likely cover damage to personal property in your vehicle.”  For example, if a child’s car seat is involved in a crash, the at-fault driver’s insurance company will be required to pay for the cost of a comparable car seat.  In any case where property damage is involved, it is helpful to prove the cost of an item with a receipt showing the date of purchase and the amount.  If you don’t have a receipt available, then the insurance company will guesstimate the value based on average costs for the same item.  If items are damaged and there is a question as to whether or not you will be reimbursed for their loss, it is best to state everything that was damaged and request compensation.  It will be up to the insurance company as to whether or not they will compensate for all property damage. Such negotiations generally happen on a case-by case-basis.

Car Rental  According to the Utah Insurance Department, “Utah insurance regulations require an at-fault driver’s insurance company to provide payment for the ‘reasonably incurred cost of transportation’ or for the ‘reasonably incurred rental cost of a substitute vehicle’ during the time your damaged vehicle is being repaired.  The insurer is obligated to pay for loss of use only if they accept liability.  If your vehicle is a total loss, that payment would be from the date of the accident, which has been timely reported, until the time a reasonable settlement offer is made by the insurance company.”

Our experience is that most insurance companies currently allow about $20 per day for a rental vehicle and there are no laws specifying what type of vehicle you may rent.  However, if special circumstances require a vehicle similar to your damaged vehicle, be sure to let the insurance company know right away to find out if they will cover those costs.

If you have questions about property damage—whether it’s about your own situation or someone you care about—you are welcome to call our office at (435) 673-9990. There is no charge for this call. We are experienced in property damage issues and are happy to help get your questions answered.

At McMullin Injury Law we are…In Your Community and On Your Side.

Calculating Damages: The Difference between Special and General Damages

At McMullin Injury Law, we help our clients get the maximum compensation available to them after an accident. If you have been involved in an accident and have a personal injury claim, you have likely heard legal terms that are new to you. Two terms that we often get asked to explain the difference between are Special Damages and General Damages. To begin with, let’s get a basic idea of what damages are.

What are “Damages”? In reference to the personal injury law that we practice at McMullin Injury Law, damages are the costs incurred directly and indirectly as a result of the negligence of someone else. That is, if another party causes an accident and injuries occur because of it, the costs associated with those injuries are considered damages. Such costs may include charges for the ambulance, hospital, surgery, and physical therapy just to name a few. In most cases there are two types of damages that we deal with after an accident: Special Damages and General Damages.

What are Special Damages? If you have been involved in an accident and you are seeking medical treatment, every time you go to a medical provider for accident-related injuries, the provider’s office generates a medical record and a medical bill. Those records and bills are the documentation we use to determine your Special Damages. An easy way to remember this is to know that Special Damages can be specially proven with a copy of a record and a receipt. So what is the difference between Special and General Damages?

What are General Damages? General Damages are damages incurred that cannot be proven with a receipt. Some people refer to these types of damages as “pain and suffering.” One example of a General Damage is when someone who has been injured in an accident cannot lift his or her children because of injuries sustained in the accident. Because no record or bill is generated, it is considered a General Damage.

Although there is no accompanying receipt for General Damages, they are no less important than Special Damages, and we present both types of damages to the at-fault party’s insurance company when it is time to settle our clients’ claims. Check back soon to learn more about how we document General Damages.

Contact our office at (435) 673-9990 to set up a free consultation. We are happy to meet with you to discuss with you the details of what happened and tell you if you have a case.

At McMullin Injury Law we are… In Your Community and On Your Side.

After the Accident: How to Set Up an Insurance Claim

A common question we get from people who have been in a car accident is, “How do I set up an insurance claim after a car accident?” 

Let your insurance company know. Even if you didn’t cause the accident, it is necessary to inform your own insurance carrier that you’ve been in a car accident.  One of the main reasons to let them know is that if injuries are involved, your No-Fault benefits will apply to you and your passenger(s). Setting up a claim is simple and involves the following three steps:

Call your insurance company. The number for accidents is usually listed on the insurance card that you keep in your car or wallet.  After you tell them that you’ve been involved in an accident, your call will be transferred to an insurance adjuster.

Talk to the adjuster.  The adjuster will ask you specific questions about the crash like the date, time of day it happened, how many cars were involved, extent of injuries (if any), and more.  Be sure to provide factual, honest information.

Write down the claim number that you are given.  In all subsequent phone calls, emails, and letters regarding your crash, the adjuster will use the claim number to access all of the documents related to your crash.

Now that the claim with your own insurance company has been set up, a separate insurance claim needs to be established with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Although it is likely that the at-fault driver has already contacted his or her own insurance carrier about the crash, that is not always the case.  We have seen instances when, for whatever reason, the at-fault driver does not contact his or her own insurance company to report an accident.  When that happens, some of our clients are not comfortable contacting the “other guy’s” insurance company to set up a claim. We will do that for our clients.

At McMullin Injury Law, we represent people who have been injured due to someone else’s negligence.  When it comes to setting up insurance claims, we contact all of the insurance companies involved and establish claims for the accident. This is especially helpful in accidents involving multiple drivers, vehicles, and injuries.

Contact McMullin Injury Law at (435) 673-9990 for a free consultation.

McMullin Injury Law is…In your community and on your side!

Stop Going in Circles: Why Using a Personal Injury Attorney Will Help You

When you’ve been involved in an accident and you’re trying to resolve your claim with an insurance company, it’s likely you feel that you’re going around in circles because the same things keep happening. First you go to doctor appointments, then you discuss your case with insurance adjusters, then you have more doctor appointments followed by more conversations with adjusters. With each passing day, your frustration increases because you’re really not making much progress toward a resolution of your claim.  You feel like your case is just going around in circles.  We think that sounds like being in a rowboat with only one oar—you just go around in circles.
When you contact an attorney, it’s like adding a whole crew to the rowboat—and each person brings an oar to help row to shore.  Together you begin to make progress.  When you decide to hire an attorney to help resolve your personal injury claim, each person at the law firm works for you—not the insurance companies.  Our goal is to help you stop spinning in circles so you can get back on firm ground.
At McMullin Injury Law, our focus is personal injury law.  That means that we work with people who have been injured because of the negligence of someone else, and we help our clients resolve their personal injury claims.  When you use a licensed personal injury attorney, it’s like adding a whole crew of people to your vessel so you stop going in circles.