man pretending to drive

Embrace Life – Buckle Up

Our job at McMullin Injury Law is to help people. We help people recover from their injuries after automobile accidents by ensuring that they are fairly compensated and adequately taken care of. Too many times, we see injuries that are worse than they needed to be. Wearing a seatbelt is extremely simple, yet the effects of that simple decision can be life changing. Each and every time you get into a car and drive, there is a chance that you could get into an accident. You can greatly decrease your odds of getting into an auto accident by driving carefully, obeying the traffic laws, and especially by not texting while driving. Unfortunately, even doing all of those things will not completely eliminate your risks. Situations on the road can change in an instant. Weather conditions and other drivers can impose risks on you that you are not prepared to handle. You could even be in an accident where you were not at fault in any way. No matter what situation may arise, you will not regret buckling up your seat belt prior to starting the car.

The video featured on this page vividly describes buckling your seatbelt as “embracing life.” Maybe the only thing worse than losing a loved one, is losing a loved one whose passing could have been prevented. McMullin Injury Law supports the message that buckling a seatbelt is embracing life. You can help save a life of a friend or family member by reminding your loved ones to buckle up before starting the car. Sharing this video, and others like it, can help to make St. George, Utah a safer place to live, and a safer place to drive.

Attorney Anthony McMullin Interviewed for Article

Our attorney, Anthony McMullin, was recently approached by to comment on a story they were working on.  The story pertained to a personal injury lawsuit in Utah involving a texting-while-driving accident. Mr. McMullin was happy to discuss this issue and to provide his knowledge and expertise.

The full story can be read by clicking here.

We thank for looking to McMullin Injury Law for information concerning this interesting and very important topic.

McMullin Injury Law is . . . In your community and on your side!

Anthony C. McMullin, Esq.

Anthony McMullin was raised in St. George, Utah—the same town where McMullin Injury Law is located. He completed coursework for a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with a minor in Public Relations at Southern Utah University (SUU) in 2006. After college, he was accepted to the Claude W. Pettit College of Law at Ohio Northern University where he earned his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) degree in 2008.
During law school, he honed his researching skills as a Research Assistant for Professor Bruce C. French, a law professor and a licensed practicing attorney.  Anthony’s ability to research and understand important information about a case is something that his current clients greatly appreciate.
After he graduated from law school, Anthony accepted a position at Jacob Hafter & Associates in Las Vegas, Nevada.  At this law firm, he focused on real estate transactions and loan modifications.  Although he enjoyed his work in Las Vegas, he moved back to St. George in 2009 to help clients who have been injured by the negligent actions of someone else.
Anthony is skilled at negotiating with insurance adjusters on behalf of his clients. He understands that people who have been hurt in accidents are facing difficult physical and, often, financial challenges. For those reasons, he is a strong advocate for his clients.
Everyone needs some down time and Anthony spends his golfing, riding his motorcycle, and being with his wife and children in sunny St. George.  As a desert dweller, he favors Southwestern Utah’s clear sunny days over the snow and rain of colder climates.  While living in Florida for a couple of years during a mission for his church, he developed a love of Cuban food and fresh seafood, but those are tough competitors to his favorite Italian food he gets from the local Pasta Factory.
Anthony is a licensed attorney in both Utah and Nevada.  He is affiliated with the State Bar of Nevada, the Utah State Bar Association, the Utah State Bar Association Litigation Division, and the Southern Utah Bar Association.  He is licensed to practice law in all Utah and Nevada State Courts as well as the United States District Courts for the District of Nevada and the District of Utah.

Kacee C. Weldin

At McMullin Injury Law we are dedicated to helping our clients feel comfortable and at ease when we meet with them.  If you call our office or come in person, Kacee Weldin will be the first one to greet you. But she is more than just a friendly face.  She is a skilled paralegal who has worked in the personal injury field since 2007.   Kacee spends a great deal of her time at the office handling what seems like reams of paperwork, medical records, and correspondence generated in personal injury cases. Her common sense and attention to detail are appreciated every day at our office.  Most importantly, she makes sure that our clients are informed on the progress of their individual cases.
Kacee was born and raised in Washington, Utah right next door to St. George where our office is located. She graduated from PineView High School and completed her Associate of Science degree at Dixie State College.  Not only does she work at our law firm, she is almost done with coursework for her Bachelor’s Degree, also from Dixie State.  She’s married to Sam (the amazing wakeboarder and Hyperlite Utah team member).
When she’s not working for clients or doing homework, Kacee runs marathons—for fun! She’s worn through more sets of shoes than she can count as she’s trained for and completed seven full marathons (26.2 miles each!) and eight half-marathons including the beautiful St. George Marathon and Salt Lake City Marathon.
Her “bucket list” is long, and she recently got to check off one item:  “Snorkeling in Hawaii”.  We were all a little jealous about that one.
We asked her a couple of questions: “If you could choose any place to live for a year, where would it be?”  Kacee said, “New York City or Oahu.”   And “What is your all time favorite meal?”  She said, “I think Durango’s is my all time favorite.” (If you go to Durango’s in St. George, you’ll probably agree.)