Sobriety Strategies: 13 Tips for Staying Sober

Twenty years ago today, I woke up from a typical alcohol-induced blackout in an apartment I did not recognize in an unfamiliar Boston neighborhood. I stared at the ceiling with a pit in my stomach, a void in my soul, a dead cell phone battery, and an inner knowing that I would never let myself feel this way again. I gathered my few belongings from the night before and shamefully walked to the Boston “T” to get back home.

sober alcoholic meaning

The more strategies you learn to identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your new sober life, the easier it is to prevent relapse. Some definitions of sobriety call for complete lifelong abstinence while others focus on developing coping mechanisms that can reduce harm with the understanding that setbacks are common. If you’re in recovery from a substance use disorder, you already know how much work it took to achieve sobriety, and you’ll want to do everything possible to avoid having a relapse. It may seem that relapse is the last thing that could happen to you, but the truth is they are very common for people new to recovery. Staying sober requires a person to analyze the reasons why they were using the substance, identify their personal triggers for relapse, and avoid falling into a pattern of use again.

Join therapy or a support group

This can allow you to treat the symptoms of your mental health disorder without turning to alcohol or drugs. The medical definition of sobriety refers to a natural state of physical health in which a person’s brain and body are unaffected by the influence of drugs or alcohol. Ultimately, sobriety is the responsibility of the person who has the alcohol addiction.

Plus, if you’ve done things while drinking that harmed you or people you love, you may also carry some pain and have plenty of sharp words for yourself. This part of recovery is pretty common, even if people don’t recognize it as such or talk about it much. When talking to or about someone in recovery, avoid using this term. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Before I quit drinking, I never really used to care about dividing the bill down the middle with a group.

What health complications are associated with alcoholism?

Taking care of your health can help you weather all kinds of challenges more easily, including urges to drink. So now I’m sober, and I have zero choice but to be me in all situations. I don’t have that much sex, and that’s more sober alcoholic like me saying, I no longer lower my standards and sleep with just anyone because of beer goggles. There’s no easy pass for me anymore, no more getting drunk and slipping past the part where you get to know each other.

  • A common initial treatment option for someone with an alcohol addiction is an outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation program.
  • “Most people find more power in themselves as they grow confident handling stress, sleep, and social situations without relying on alcohol,” he says.
  • Some people drink heavily all day, while others binge drink and then stay sober for a while.
  • The next recovery support program may be slightly more difficult to find.
  • When is it common in society, it can be hard to tell the difference between someone who likes to have a few drinks now and then and someone with a real problem.

If one approach doesn’t feel right, take a step back and consider a different one. Having helpful coping techniques in place can make it easier to manage distressing emotions and thoughts about drinking. Some folks assume that people showing signs of this syndrome are about to relapse and drink again, but this isn’t always the case. These behaviors and emotional concerns can strain your relationships and interactions with others, especially if alcohol use has already had a negative impact on your relationships. It’s a subversive, hardcore choice to take your life into your own hands. It’s an opportunity to grow into your bones, and every single crap thing that happens to you on the way only makes you stronger.


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